Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Weigh In Day: Reality Bites.

I've been training hard and following the meal plan, the changes have been big... but just not big enough to register any movement at all on the scales.

I'm healthy and my body is obviously very happy where it is. It is clearly going to take a much more concentrated effort to get those scales to move. I was vigilent and diligent, but I wasn't hyper-vigilant and I think that's really what's required here. There were a few sneaky cold ones on the weekend in addition to my treat meal and whilst my meals and food choices were on track - I also snuck little bits of Ed's food on more occasions than I should have. The result? Maintenance.

So I can see areas for improvement. No having a little taste of Eddie's muesli, sustagen or baked potato. It all adds up.  I have 2 food events in the following week though, one of which is the evening before weigh in day! In order to combat these, I am setting myself guidelines and limits, as well as arranging good training around them. I am, however, terrified of derailment. My strategy for next week of the challenge is to write more things down, be very strict on the numbers - the 3 meals a day are planned for me, but I need my snacks to be planned as well - they are already, but I haven't done the math. 1200 has to be the magic number.

I'm so disappointed, regardless of being able to see where I fell down. I'm often hungry, and I'm actually training above and beyond the recommendations of the plan. Yesterday and especially today, my energy levels are quite low, leaving me feeling a little flat and despondent.

This will pass. I will make this change. I have the evidence of where I am, the analysis of why I'm still here and the commitment to move past it. In a way, it's the kick in the pants I needed. Here goes.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Deb it sounds like your body is being catabolic rather than anabolic which is why u r lacking energy, feeling hungry and yet the scales don't move. It's a problem many of us face in elite sport--- where we overtrain , undereat and end up burning muscle instead of fat/ store fat instead,our resting metabolic rate slows down and your body starts feeling tired because it's trying to slow you down to stop burning up more precious calories it's trying to conserve. 1200 is too little calories for u ... ESP with how much u do- another riskfor catabolism. Your body needs the fuel to start burning fat again rather thantrying to hoard it. Suggestion : don't be afraid to eat a bit more- feeling hungry constantly is also an indication of catabolism. Sleep helps too- otherwise your body starts releasing cortisol which heightens all the tiredness/ store fats/ lethargy/ reduce resting metabolism xx
